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    Company Registration in India From USA

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    Minuimum Requirements for Company Registration in India From USA

    • Minimum 2 shareholders

    • One of the Directors must be Indian Resident

    • DSC(Digital Signature Certificate) for two directors

    • Minimum 2 Directors

    • No Minimum Authorised Share Captial

    • The directors and the shareholders can be same person

    • DIN(Director Identification number) for 2 Directors

    Types and Requirement for Company Registration in India From USA

    Advantages of a Private Limited Company Formation

    Separate Legal entity

    As a juristic legal person, both the company and its members have separate legal identity that is distinct from each other.

    Perpetual Succession

    A company existence is uninterrupted, even the death or insolvency of shareholder(s)/ directors cannot affect the continuity of business of the company.

    Limited Liability

    The liability of members of a private limited company is limited to the amount of share capital remaining unpaid on the shares held by them.

    Easy transferability of ownership

    The ownership in a private limited company is easily transferable by way of transfer of shares from one member to another subject to the restriction that the total number of members of a private limited company cannot exceed 200.

    FDI Allowed

    In Private Limited Comapny, 100% Foreign Direct Investment is allowed that means any foreign entity or foregin person can directly invest in a Private Limited Company.

    Builds Cerdibility

    The particulars of the company are the available on a public database. Which improves the cerdibility of the company as it makes it easy to authenticate the details.

    Frequently Asked Questions