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    Refund Policy

    At CompaniesNext, we are committed to provide the highest standard of services, which includes clearly communicating the process we follow and cost associated with the services including activity wise breakup of govt. fees and our professional fees. We value our customer and their trust on us, hence we maintain full transparency in our conduct of services. Step by step events can be tracked through user dashboard while we perform our professional work. which generally doesn't’t lead incidence for any refund. However, in case such situation arises, the same shall be governed in following manner: 
    1. Only written request will be entitled in this regard.
    2. Any excess amount paid by user due to any error or other technical reasons, the same shall be refunded subject to a general deduction of 5% for transaction and administrative cost.
    3. All the government fees are non-refundable if incurred.
    4. The professional fee and any other incidental fee shall not be refunded. 
    5. In this relation, decision of management of CompaniesNext shall be treated final and binding.